T Oncoalícia〡Menjar durant el Tractament del Càncer

Hyperlipidaemia refers to the elevated level of lipids in the blood and can be caused by hormonal treatments for prostate cancer. These types of lipids include cholesterol and triglycerides, which are molecules involved in many processes in the body and are part of the natural composition of our cells. When there is an excess of these molecules, they accumulate in the arteries, increasing the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.


Based on fresh and minimally processed foods, prioritising plant-based foods, adjusting foods of animal origin, and limiting saturated fats and sugars:

Recommended foods for hyperlipidaemia
Unrefined plant-based foods Vegetables and seasonal fruit on a daily basis.
Legumes (soya, lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas), (3-4 times a week).
Starchy foods (rice, pasta, bread) and whole grains: oats, barley or rye (in flakes, flour, bran or grain).
Foods rich in heart-healthy fats (unsaturated) Oily fish (2-3 servings a week).
Natural nuts and seeds, neither fried nor salted (a handful a day).
Virgin or extra virgin olive oil.
Foods of animal origin low in fat (saturated) Skimmed or semi-skimmed dairy products with no added sugars (2 servings a day).
Lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit…), (3-4 times a week).
Eggs (3-4 times a week).
White fish and some seafood (prawns, cuttlefish, squid, shrimps, mussels…) (2-3 times a week).

Foods to avoid in hyperlipidaemia
Foods rich in saturated fatty acids Whole dairy products, cheese, cream, creamy cheeses, matured cheeses.
Fatty meats and offal.
Processed meats and cold meats (bacon, black pudding, fuet, chorizo…).
Butter and lard. bi
Processed pastries and baked goods.
Fried snacks.
Ultra-processed, pre-cooked foods (croquettes, pizzas, nuggets…).
Foods high in trans- fatty acids (trans-unsaturated fatty acids) Products containing hydrogenated vegetable oil on their labels, such as some margarine, and prepared foods (biscuits, crisps, cakes, pre-packaged or processed mixes).
Foods high in simple sugars Sugar, honey, jam.
Instant cocoa powder.
Chocolate with less than 60% cocoa.
Soft drinks.
Biscuits, breakfast cereals, cakes, pastries.
Pre-cooked sauces.
Alcohol Wine, beer, and distilled spirits.

When consuming packaged products (processed products, biscuits, pastries, sauces, snacks, etc.), prioritise those with a lower fat content, especially saturated fats.

Avoid large portions and intake in a single meal so that the liver does not convert excess calories into triglycerides, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and fatty liver.

Favour baking, steaming, grilling, en papillote and microwaving.

Hyperlipaemia is a symptom that often occurs together with hypertension and hyperglycaemia. This phenomenon is called metabolic syndrome and different aspects should be considered together to ensure adequate nutrition.