Accumulating small intakes throughout the day will be more important than attempting to have hearty meals all at once. To avoid skipping meals due to the inability to go out for grocery shopping, base your diet on foods that are already prepared, ready to consume, and have a long shelf life to prevent spoilage. Below is a proposed basic pantry:
Fruits | Lemons, oranges, apples, mandarins, bananas, which stay fresh for several days; canned peaches, canned pineapple |
Nuts | Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts. |
Vegetables and mushrooms: | Canned artichokes, green beans, mushrooms, roasted peppers, pickled vegetables (carrots, pickles, cabbage, onions). Fresh vegetables: Carrots, cucumber, green tomatoes, which stay fresh for a few days in the refrigerator. |
Legumes | Canned chickpeas, lentils, beans, and peas. |
Cereals and starches | Precooked rice or cups of precooked cereals (rice, brown rice, quinoa); fine oat flakes; couscous (white or whole grain); whole-grain toast or crackers with seeds, according to preference; frozen bread or rolls (varied and according to preference: whole grain, with seeds, Viennese… country bread); Mexican tortillas (wheat or corn); cookies. |
Animal protein sources | Low-salt tuna in olive oil; cans of sardines in olive oil; cans of squid in ink or with sauce; eggs (boil and store with their shell in the refrigerator); diced Serrano ham. |
Dairy | Natural yogurt; Greek yogurt; cheese wedges; cheese |
Other | Frozen or packaged chicken, vegetable, or fish broth; sauces and spreads (according to preference): mayonnaise, romesco, hummus |
Sweets | hazelnut cocoa cream, honey, jam |