Season dishes with virgin olive oil.

Except for cases where treatment has been accompanied by weight gain.

Increase the consumption of foods rich in fibre.

Increase consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables (preferably raw), pulses, whole grains and cereals, mushrooms, and nuts. If you prepare soups, purées, juices, or smoothies, do not strain the preparations to not eliminate fibre. Examples of food preparations to incorporate more fibre in meals Dishes made with whole grains or pulses, with vegetables, dried fruit,… Continue reading Increase the consumption of foods rich in fibre.

Maintain a regular bathroom schedule.

Sit on the toilet every day, if possible, at the same time, even if you do not have a bowel movement at first.

Drink one or two glasses of lukewarm water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

If there is no nausea, add a tablespoon of virgin olive oil to a glass of lukewarm water, followed by a piece of fruit, such as a kiwi or an orange.

Keep well hydrated

Drink around two litres of water between meals throughout the day. Drink mainly water-based liquids, but you can also combine herbal teas, vegetable broths, natural fruit, and vegetable juices with their pulp (plum, orange, pineapple, tomato…). Avoid black tea or other astringent teas, rice, or carrot drinks.

Avoid foods rich in simple sugars or sweeteners.

Sweets, fruit syrups, sugar, honey, chocolate, sweetened drinks, xylitol, sorbitol, etc., are not recommended.

Avoid milk or products containing lactose.

Depending on tolerance, they can be gradually incorporated.

Limit fatty foods.

It is not recommended to consume butter, margarine, lard, mayonnaise, cream, heavy cream, and baked goods, amongst others.

Avoid high-fibre foods.

Wholegrain cereals and derivatives, raw fruits, vegetables, pulses, and nuts are not recommended. Choose fruit without skin, cooked, baked, baked, microwaved or stewed, in juice, syrup or strained juices. Fruit in syrup (apple, pear, and peach), quince or banana and well-ripened pear. Vegetables low in fibre (courgette, pumpkin, carrot) can be consumed in small quantities… Continue reading Avoid high-fibre foods.