Try to consume fresh fruit and vegetables daily

To ensure all vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals: Eat one or two pieces of fruit per day Mix fruit with yogurt Prepare some tomatoe seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and a bit of cheese Have fresh vegetables that last longer: peppers, green tomatoes, carrots… to eat as snacks as well.

Choose simple yet nutritious preparations.

With minimal handling and using ingredients from the basic pantry, involving only opening and mixing, and occasionally heating in the microwave, or with fresh foods that require no more than peeling and/or cutting, nutritious meals can be prepared very easily. Below, we suggest some ideas.     For any time: Yogurt with fruit: arrange cut… Continue reading Choose simple yet nutritious preparations.

Always have nutritious foods and a basic pantry at home.

Accumulating small intakes throughout the day will be more important than attempting to have hearty meals all at once. To avoid skipping meals due to the inability to go out for grocery shopping, base your diet on foods that are already prepared, ready to consume, and have a long shelf life to prevent spoilage. Below… Continue reading Always have nutritious foods and a basic pantry at home.

Go shopping and cook on the days when you feel stronger

Once meals are planned, prepare the shopping list to ensure all necessary foods are acquired to cover the plan. Prepare larger quantities of food, storing them in individual portions in either the refrigerator or the freezer, ready for consumption. Boil pasta or rice and place them covered in food containers in the refrigerator, ready to… Continue reading Go shopping and cook on the days when you feel stronger

Plan your diet

Doing it on a weekly basis can help ensure that the quantity and frequency of all food groups are included. Take into account the days of treatment or when fatigue may occur to be prepared.

Maintain good oral hygiene

To avoid irritation and discomfort, use non-irritating toothpaste and soft toothbrushes and dental floss. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

Exercise or walk throughout the day.

Keeping active can help stimulate appetite.

Prepare nutritionally dense dishes.

Nutritionally dense dishes are those that include a large amount of energy and nutrients in a very small volume. You can prepare chicken or cod croquettes; empanadas (meat, tuna, egg, cheese, etc.), which can be frozen and fried or warmed up; nutritious pâtés to spread on toast or sandwiches; energy purées and soups, which can… Continue reading Prepare nutritionally dense dishes.

Ensure that the main meals of the day are complete.

Always ensure the presence of vegetables in lunch and dinner (raw or cooked), starchy foods (tubers, cereals, pulses) and protein-rich foods (meat, fish and eggs or other protein-rich foods such as soy), as indicated in the plate method. Even if it is in small quantities, for example using a small dessert plate.